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tv   FOX and Friends First  FOX News  August 27, 2012 5:00am-6:00am EDT

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that's it for today. have a great week. see you next fox news sunday in charlotte. >> good morning. i am heather childers. >> i am patti ann browne. today is monday august 27th. thanks for watching fox and friends first. >> tropical storm isaac now setting its sights on the gulf cos. the storm is expected to strengthen to a hurricane. it could hit the u.s. wednesday. 7 years to the day that hurricane katrina hit. residents from louisiana to florida we are preparing for isaac some areas even
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evacuating. senator what is the situation there right now? we are under a local state of emergency at pensacola beach evacuations volume trier evacuations already underway. those began last night. shelters here tote to open first thing in the morning for any one who may need assistance. yesterday we were able to get out with the crew and look what locals are doing to prepare. many are boarding up homes not as many this week. that is many residents rebuilt what is called high impact glass. they are able to sustain winds of 50 miles an hour. one woman i spoke to actually said she is not leaving. she has the high impact glass. she is going to ride out this storm. in the past when she left it has been more trouble than it is
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worth. >> when we had to leave before evacuate before ten-days two weeks before you can get back out here. several days at least. by the time you get out here you have more damage to your property. >> here on the beach gorgeous but not too many people enjoying the beautiful weather. they were probably at wal-mart or local stores. tuna was gone, battery was gone. lots of water left for people who needed it. residents here they have had attitude until they see the really intense conditions they don't take it too seriously but they know how to prepare at the last minute. some are testing generators making sure they have the supply
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in their cub board so they can take care of themselves i talked to several other people who live here they are stocked up taking it in stride waiting to see what happens if they end up slamming into pennsylvania beach. >> there are a lot of people in here shopping. >> picked up a few things of water and things like that. nothing big. snore sto another storm. >> hurricane conditions ex penaltied in pensacola beach within 46 hours. many hurricanes down there. thank you for preparing. thank you. >> patty ann? the latest update and trau jekss -- sdwroekss on isaac's path. good morning on the details. >> if you take a look it does appear isaac has intensified as you take a look at this.
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but the national hurricane center issued a new statement and have not been found no strong winds have been found near the center of the storm system. right now maximum sustained winds of 65 miles per hour. there is thunderstorm activity near the center of the storm system which is a sign isaac is intensifying and the pressure dropped a little bit. the reason it is intensifying we have warm water across the gulf. temperatures well into the 80s that provide the fuel that isaac needs for the next couple hours to continuously tins fy -- intensify tuesday night into early morning wednesday across -- areas across the northern part of the gulf. maximum sustained winds at 65 miles per hour moving a the 14 miles per hour. it is intensifying. the updated track has shift add little bit. right now we are talking about land fall possible over the city of new orleans as a category 1
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hurricane earlier this morning maximum sustained winds at 11 miles per hour. we were talking about a strong category 2 storm. isaac has not shown signs of significant cat intensification. we are anticipating it could be a slightly weaker storm system. you should not be paying attention to the exact strength of the wind. it will slow down that means a longer period of time that you will be dealing with heavy rainfall up to 18 inches of rain will be possible out here. another threat is isolated tornadoes. >> the rnc likely to duck at least the worst of tropical storm isaac as it veers away from tampa. the earlier threat threaten to do call off all of today.
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they will gavel in but then adjourn delaying in opening convention business. kelly wright joins us live with those details. good morning, kelly. >> good morning. hope you are doing well. republicans hoped to start today as you talked about for the republican national convention to get underway. tropical storm isaac which will be upgraded to hurricane strength is trying to reign on governor mitt romney's parade if you will. the convention site is ready but the weather conditions are not so ready. today at 2:00 a huge crowd coming into the convention hall. ed leaders will convene events where they will hit the gavel the strengthening storm isaac is calling the gop to change the rundowns of the big events they had previously planned. headline speakers will come later in the week. planners are forcing four-days of gop ex gravn sglau into three-days from tuesday to
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thursday. governor any concerns about the hurricane, governor? >> everybody is fine. concerned about the people that is affected by it. >> we couldn't be sure the buses coming across clear water and saint pete would be safe with driving wind and rain. the second took out all of the tenting outside of the forum. what that meant was fewer entrances and guests and delegates would be waiting outside in the rain. >> what you have is a situation where the leaders wanted to make sure safety firs was in effect so people would be able to come in and out of the convention site without being threatened by inclement weather. tampa will not take a direct hit but the effects of the storm poses precarious situation for the area. it will the leblgs is a river ren dumb on president obama's
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economic stewardship and mitt romney for jobs and prosperity, i should say governor romney. yooefrp one safe first. time to take a look at who is talking. we are hearing from mitt romney this morning. he sat down with chris wallace to talk about the campaign his family life and of course the convention. >> the gop presidential hopeful discusses what his goals are for tampa and what he wants voters to take away from the week. i would like people to stand up and say what are the issues. what do i have and paul ryan have for the issues we face. if people stand back and consider all that america has to deal with going forward they will recognize we are the only team that has answers for these challenges. they are big and bold answers and america needs that kind of help at a time when so many people are out of work or under
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employed or having a hard time making ends meet. >> if voters take away one thing from your big acceptance speech on thursday night what do you want that to be? >> i believe in america and in the american people. i believe this nation is unique and exceptional and we have erg we need to continue to lead in prosperity. >> mitt romney received a little backlash about the out of touch possibly with the american people. mrs. romney addressed those attacks on her husband and compassion for the struggling american family. >> i wish everyone could see him how i have seen them. as a mother to see how compassionate he has been with me raising these small children and how he always valued my work as being more important than his. >> how about the question of feeling the pain and compassion for the larger american family for all of the folks who are struggling. >> i think that's why we are running.
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whenever i introduce or talk to especially fundraising groups looks like everybody is doing pretty well here. guess what we are not running for you. we are running for folks who are worried they are going to have a paycheck or they are worried how they are going to be able to afford to educate their children. we are not running to kemake yo lives easier. >> he wiis not slated to speak tonig -- ann romney not speaking tonight but will speak tomorrow. >> with the republican national convention getting underway in tampa, who are you most excited to see speak and why. >> you can tweet your comments to us at foxx friends first or cho shoot us an e-mail at and we will read them later in the show. it is time for your 5 at 5:00. the top five stories making news at this hour.
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we begin with a fox news alert. two american soldiers were shot and killed by an african soldier in eastern afghanistan. officials are calling the shooting accidental. it is a separate case from the rash of recent insider attacks on international forces. 12 americans have been killed this month alone in afghanistan by afghan soldiers. new details about the gunman who killed his former boss outside of the empire state building. that is jeffery johnson. he is bird watching in in central park in this picture here. the search of his new york city apartment showed he had no intention of returning home after he left friday morning. police found his envelope with his keys left behind for his landlord. 9 people were hurt during the shootout after cops say johnson shot a man in the head. fox news concerned ann romney has her own secret
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service protection. it is typical to get protection around convention time. the rnc will start tomorrow. it is being delayed because of tropical storm isaac. mitt romney not protection back in january. protests near the national republican convention. police in tampa nabbing a man they say was carrying this, 8 inch machete strapped to his leg. he's being identified as 31-year-old jason wilson. officers approached wilson after spotting him with a group of occupiers. he resisted arrest but was subdued and taken to the sheriff's office. he is due in court lart this morning. >> a man spoke these words july 20th rt. 1969. one small step foreman, one giant leap for mankind.
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>> neil armstrong will be forever remembered by his family, friends and fans as an american hero. former astronaut allen bean was in nasa's control room the night he stepped on to the moon's surface. >> i don't know any other astronaut that could have handled hill self with such grace and courage. seemed indestructible really. all of a sudden when one of them is gone i found it difficult to put that in perspective. >> he was 82 years hold. that is your 5@5:00. >> one way you can honor him is go up and look at the moon. i did that sunday night. >> very good idea. >> 13 at the top of the hour. he turned to his country to fight for the enemy. the american taliban he says his religious lights are being violated in prison. he paid money in tax dollars
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for the auto bailout. now the company wants to stay out of the spotlight. no thanks to president obama and mitt romney.
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>> 16 after the top of the hour. here's what you missed while you were sleeping. a plane crashes in lake taw hue bursting into flames and tragically kelling everyone on board. the pilot his wife and young
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daughter another couple were on board at the time. witnesses say it sounded like the plane was having engine problems. a barge due to shallow water conditions triggered by the drought. the coast guard says they were able to get it floating again. patti ann? >> thanks heather. it is time for stories you can bank on this morning. general motors wants to stay out of the political spotlight during the election season. here to explain is fox business network. >> they have banned president obama p and mitt romney until after the election day. they made a big recovery in the bailout. they are shareholders with 31 percent of the stock. it doesn't want to be ammo from either side of the campaign. it is trying to stay under radar
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until november 6th which can't come soon enough. the associated press of jfk say most americans would rather pay taxes or the retirement age rather than cut social security benefits. the program is forecast to run out of money in 2033. 47 percent opted for president obama verses 44 percent of romney. you are looking at a dead heat there. lots of workplace stress there. >> a less surprising survey. 73 percent of americans say they are stressed at work. the complaint is they don't make enough money. low wages is the biggest stressor followed by annoying co-workers commuting workload and doesn't have the job they want. survey spokesman says lowering work by staying current on
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industry trends learning practical skills and focusing on growth industry. >> diane macedo fox business network. not an annoying co-worker. >> try not to be especially not this early. thousands of tourists are in tampa this week. don't let the threat of isaac ruin your plans. >> chris christie talking about what to expect at the convention.
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>> he turned against his country and supported terrorism. american taliban fighter john
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walker lindh will try to convince a judge security firm should not trump his freedom. lindh claims his rights are being violated because he's not being allowed to hold a daily group prayer. a crude ship with 130 people on board was free by a tug boat running aground in the detroit river. no damage was found so it set sale again for cleveland. investigators are looking into the incident. >> with the republican national convention about to kickoff thousands of visitors are in tampa or arriving there. in case you are in the area we want to help you out with your itinerary outside of the convention. joining us is travel expert and senior editor of travelocity courtney scott. thanks for joining us. >> thank you for having me. >> isaac is threatening. we have inside events and outside events to take in. >> we begin with adults a -- dolphin and movie star. >> the dolphin calls the
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aquarium her home. she was one of the famous dolphins in the world. she got her tail cut off and has the first ever prosthetic tail. you get to see her in ner natural habitat the aquarium. $21 for adults and 14.95 for children. indoor escape. >> if you want to leave tampa you can set off for an island. >> this island is totally unspoiled right off the coast of clear water. only accessible by ferry boat or private boat. the ferry departs every half hour. it's a great paradise that you have to check out. one of the best beaches in florida. get back to nature for that one. >> now the museum this is an inside event. it is a really incredible collection of his best work. 96 paintings drawing cull p tours he did it and it's all
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there to see. it's in pam taw. it's in the tampa area. a fishing charter if you want to maybe -- >> it is a fun family get away. you can do everything from group charters to private fishing. there is erg for you there. it is a great sunny day get away. i went deep sea fishing in the gulf coast. i got this chummer award in the end of the i got a t-shirt and all. finally the taco bus. >> taco bus. the food network visited this mexican food truck last year and said it was one of his favorite mexican restaurants. three locations in tampas. great prices $8 and under for everything on the menu tacos, burritos anyway you want your mexican it's a local favorite.
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>> sounds like the best one in there. >> it is indeed. >> the time now is 25 after the top of the hour. coming up governor jeb bush not minuting words when it comes to defending his brother from the current president. we will play out his comments for you straight ahead. california on edge this morning as mother nature left the state rocking hundreds, yes, hundreds of earthquakes hitting in one day. >> first on this day in history roman holiday starring audrey hepburn premiers. >> like what? >> you can't image. i like to just live my life all day long.
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thank you for joining us. it is almost half past the hour. >> extreme weather alert. isaac is expected to become a hurricane and could hit on wednesday. that is the 7th anniversary. some people are already evacuating ahead of the storm. mick coal collins joins us live in pensacola, florida. what's going on there? >> good morning heather and patty ann. the wind has picked up overnight. we expect tropical storm force winds by this evening. hurricane conditions are expected within 36 hours. you wouldn't notice. you look at the peabeach yester. we got out thereable to talk to some of the locals they stocked up on supplies already. things were picked over. gasoline was in short supply in this area as well. we spoke to a lifeguard they said many people are off the
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beach. >> not as populated as it should be. probably a lot of people getting prepared or staying home in case it does come here. a lot of residents boarding up their windows but not all of them. here is one resident who says she is not leaving because it's more trouble than it is worth. she secured her house with a special type of window. a lot of the windows are not boarded up because they are high impact glass windows. they with stand wind up to 150 miles per hour. >> voluntary evacuations began at pensacola beach. they are in a local state of emergency. back to you guys. nicole collins live in florida. that threat from isaac denying events from the national
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convention. we ha doug luzader has the latest on the changes. they are already hitting here. the rain kicked up noticeably over the past few minutes. we are getting winds that kind of thing but take a look to the right. >> we went inside yesterday we are going through the whole process they are going through dress rehearsals getting everything ready for the convention. it had to be delayed for at least a day because convention organizers have to have flexibility. >> we couldn't be assured with the huge buses over the bridges between clear water and tampa. that was the first thing. the second thing is the secret service took down the tents in the forum. >> it will be a mess no question. as far as the schedule is
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concerned everybody gets pushed back a day. spent a good part of the weekend getting ready for that. ing it it is a final best chance to reintroduce himself to the american public. >> remember the popeye line i am what i am and that's all that i am? i am doing my best to get this country back on track. there was talk about extending it into today. a lot abowill depend on where ic heads. how strong that storm is when it makes land fall. thank you very much, doug. patty ann might have answers to that. >> maria molina is on top of that.
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>> it is incredible it is raining in tampa. it is pretty far away and removed from tampa. isaac continues to grow in size. a very large storm system. tropical storm force winds extend up to 240 miles outward from the certainty of the storm system. a huge storm system will begin to produce tropical storm conditions as early as late tonight as well as the gulch coast. we have updates as far as the hurricane watches. we have a new one issued out from inter coastal city and louisiana to morgan city and the hurricane watch that was issued earlier yesterday from the florida panhandle to east of dest tin and indian pass have been completed. we are anticipating now land fall in new orleans as when heed to late tuesday night in early wednesday morning in the city of new orleans.
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maximum sustained winds at 54 miles per hour. we haven't seen an increase as far as the maximum stained wind increase goes. isaac is intense myiifying and g at 14 miles per hour. that mines bad news more time over warm daughtwater. right now it is a category 1 hurricane with maximum skaned winds of 90 miles an hour. locally up to 18 inches isaac will continue to slow down. it means a longer time it will spin over this area. patsy ann? -- patty ai ann? >> we have a look at whose talking. chris christie is talking about his up coming convention speech. >> the governor discussed what we can expect from his speech. in true christie form he said expect the unexpected. >> i have had a lot of people
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asking me are you nervous? let me tell you. >> all you folks students from other states will be asking the question. all of you know the answer to that question. you all know. there's no chance. they have to keep me busy on tuesday. i told the staff keep me busy. i got awake at 10:30 tuesday night. you don't know what will happen when i first get out of that gate by 10:30 tuesday night. so they are going to keep me on the treadmill all day trying to wear me out. see if we can lower the energy level just a little bit. we will be ready for tuesday night. ready to put on a great show for the american people. >> chris christie also revealing the real reason why the republican national convention asked him to head down to tampa. we assume he was joking.
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>> i think we are going to enjoy the next few days. the weather will come and go. they have brought me down here specifically, i am not sure you know, brought me down here on sunday to make sure if there are any idiots on the beach tell them to get the hell off the beach. some lines are so good they never go away. we are going to look forward to having a great time. that line made headlines almost a year ago when tropical storm irene hit the injury sri shore. >> time for the 5@5:30. 300 small to moderate earthquakes. 300 rocking southern california in one day. magnitude 5.5.
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>> check out the aftermath from this one home. these pictures show a local store's front within doe completely blown out. dozens of other businesses in the area reporting minor damage. thankfully no injuries. > >> jeb bush has a message for president owe bam may. stop blaming my brother for the country's financial problems. >> i think it's time for him to move on. the guy was dealt a difficult plan no question about it. his policies have failed. rather than blame others we thought that was unbecoming over time you can't keep doing that. maybe have fresh solutions to the problems you face. >> jeb bush will be one of the
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speakers. steven spielberg trying to land a movie deal. the daring navy seal raids that killed osama bin laden. the new york post reporting the director is in talks with the retired navy seal who wrote no new day. he has met with two other filmmakers. the book is expected to be published on september 11th. a dream puerto rican vacation. she was looking for pictures near a water fall when she lost her balance and was swept away into a raging river. her friends say they watched helplessly unable to reach her. talk about puppy love as a u.s. airman returns home from deployment and sees his dog again. >> hey. hey. hey baby. >> the happy reunion between
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them all caught on camera. williams was in south korea for 8 months says he was afraid the labrador retriever wouldn't remember him. obviously that's not the case. you can see right here. that is your 5@5:30. man's best friend. >> time now to entertain this. it is a boy. for snookie and fiancee. the reality show star tweeted this after. i am so in love with my son lorenzo dominique. i had my little son last night healthy 6 pounds. he is my world. congratulations to actors anna ferris and chris pratt. also announcing breaking baby news this weekend. they welcomed baby boy to their family saturday. the weekend box office with 15 and a half million dollars for the he could week in a row. 2016 obama's america had a breakout performance expanding
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to a nationwide release. now for your starting lineup of all of the sports stories making headlines for you at this hour the seahawks stacking the plans for a comeback. cutting the 38-year-old receiver as an attempt to trim it by today's deadline. he played in two preseason games but only caught two passes. lydia co making history at the canadian women's open. the 15-year-old becoming the youngest winner ever in lpga tour history. co only the 5th amateur champ. she still plans to finish high school and then go on to finish college. coming up a little league world series title game japan winning 12-2 in five innings when the game was stopped for the mercy rule. it is japan's 8th world series
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title. >> oh, well. maybe next time. 41 after the hour. still to come talk about wasteful spending. despite facing budget cuts and bleeding for more funding caught spending hujs of thousands tax dollars on lavish retreats. >> isaac may have won. what is the gop planning for the week? we will talk to a delegate live from tampa up next. [ wife ] your dad's really giving him the business... the designated hitter's the best thing to happen to baseball! but it's not the same game! [ wife ] wow, he's really gonna get us a good deal. it's better! no it's not! the pitcher comes up and he's out! [ dealer ] he can bunt! whatever. but we're good with 0% apr for 60 months? oh yeah, totally. thank you so much. that must've been brutal.
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[ male announcer ] the volkswagen autobahn for all event. at 0% apr for 60 months, no one needs to know how easy it was to get your new volkswagen. that's the power of german engineering.
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>> let's span the globe to see what stories are making head lanes overseas. first a 7.4 magnitude earthquake rocked the coast that struck 86 miles southwest of san miguel. there is no word on any injuries or damages. but at least not yet. but a tsunami warning has been issued. up next japan a powerful typhoon causing flooding knocking out power for thousands of people at least four people were injured. people there told to stay indoors and protect themselves from strong winds. finally venezuela the death tole rises to 41 people after an explosion. one of the world's largest oil refineries over the weekend. it is believed a gas leak cause the blast.
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it was so tins 200 homes were destroyed by a shock wave. it has also pushed the oil prices up. patsy a -- patti ann? >> mitt romney and president obama running neck and neck before the convention. with trop stal sto tropical sto isaac delaying the events they are afraid it could over shadow the convention. let's go to tampa and ask indiana delegate and former white house aid to president bush dede. >> hi patti ann. how are you? >> they have had to condense four-days of speeches into three-days. can they get it done at that time? it is good or bad? >> we have hurricane or tropical storm isaac. that is serious problem for folks and it is something that americans are worried about and delegates to worry about. we need one night to nominate
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mitt romney the next president of the united states. one night of that. if we have three nights break we will have a wonderful convention very positive. we are going to nominate the best president of the united states. one storm one day is not a problem at all. >> if there is media coverage of both at the same time and the knelt works a-- networks are bo back hopefully not hopefully devastation in areas of the gulf and bouncing back to the convention will they have to change their tone so it's not such a sharp turn back and forth? >> i think so. people are concerned oh my goodness we want to make sure people are safe here. i got to tell you even walking over to the site here it was horizontal rain. i had trouble even watching. it was kind of tough. it is good judgment for people here in florida and also thinking about the people in new orleans and people that are going to be hit. yeah, i mean folks are already concerned. we were talking about it last night. people are talking about it this
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morning and today being concerned about both and about their safety. however we do need to do the serious attack of nominating the next president of the united states. we are here to do that. we will. we will take a different turn. of course we are very concerned all of the delegates will be i am sure mitt romney and paul ryan. but we have got business here to do and we will do it and we will get through it. it will be a successful convention. >> he mentioned the polls showing the two candidates neck and neck. what do they have to acome mroifsh the next four-days to surge ahead by the end? >> i think patti ann the timing is great for mitt romney and paul ryan. especially in the midwest. people are excited. i am from indiana so i love the paul ryan pick. we are winning michigan and wisconsin. now we are in florida.
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having the convention will be a big boost. we have a midwesterner and we are here in florida with the convention. i think it will be beings real we -- going wereal well. people understand we need to move forward and get this done. >> joining us live from tampa. 49 after the hour it is considered one of the most dangerous cities in the country. why is this town cutting its police department? >> it is your last chance to enter our question of the day with republican national convention getting underway in tampa. we wanted to know who are you most excited to see aspeak and why? first brian kilmeade is live. >> don't check our normal studio we are on the road in tampa.
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outside is isaac. we have grateses coming your way. mitt romney's five sons will be here live this morning. karl rove and bill trip pee will disagree. marco rubio also in studio and congressman/current congressman colonel allen west will be here. we will bring it to you all week long in tampa. the camera is moving my way might as well stop talking. t bed can only lie there... ask me what it's like when my tempur-pedic moves. [ male announcer ] to someone who owns an adjustable version of the most highly recommended bed in america. ask me about my tempur advanced ergo. ask me about having all the right moves. [ male announcer ] these are real tempur advanced ergo owners. find one for yourself. try your friends on facebook. see what they have to say unedited. ask me what it's like to get a massage anytime you want. [ male announcer ] tempur-pedic brand owners are more satisfied than owners of any traditional mattress brand.
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[ woman ] ask me why i'm glad i didn't wait till i'm too old to enjoy this. [ male announcer ] treat yourself to the ultimate sleep experience and save up to $400 during the tempur ergo savings event. plus visit for full details on our 0% apr financing with four years to pay. don't wait. the tempur ergo savings event ends october 14th. visit now. tempur-pedic. the most highly recommended bed in america.
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8 minutes away from the top of the hour. 500,000 taxpayer dollars were spent on fancy dinners and
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lavish out of town retreats. school officials defending the spending as the cost of doing business. attorneys representing the man who opened fire on president reagan are walking away. hinckley's family has been unable to pay the legal bills. the judge was expected to rule on visitation in november. another quick update on hurricane isaac with maria molina. >> good to see you. we do have tropical storm isaac which shows signs of more intensiction and forecasted to become a hurricane before making landfall late tuesday night. across the city of new orleans . we expect a storm surge 12
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feet as high as 12 feet. we'll update you in the morning. >> thank you. and earlier in the show, we ask you to brew on this. who are you most excited to see speak and why? >> larry barber said i am eager to see mitt romney and paul ryan hit it out of the park with their peaches. >> i want to hear all and looking forward to hearing ann romney i look forward to hearing marko rubio. >> i think paul ryan will put energy for the youth vote. time now is 55 after the top of the hour and five minutes away. we told you about a veteran who was not receiving benefits because of paperwork, we have major update. is it our good, bad or ugly.
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you have to stick around to find out. can you figure out the wor of the day. we'll have the answer after the break.
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>> welcome back, two mondays to the top of the hour the
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good, the bat and ugoslicks daughter refiled because his paperwork was lost. they received a check of $29,000 in back payments. the bad. the most city in the country. camden, new jersey cutting the police department because the budget was 270 officers getting pink slips. they will be replaced by a police force run by the county. the ugly, this is in hamburg, germany . police in riot gear using water cannon to put out fires. 10 pem were rested. >> te now to get scrambled up and steve doocy is here to help us out. kind of an easy side. give


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